Important COVID-19 Information

Covid-19 Postcard

Important COVID-19 Information

Dear Customers & Suppliers,

At iMist we understand the concern you may be experiencing surrounding the coronavirus (Covid-19). The health and wellbeing of our employees, customers and suppliers is our top priority.

Whilst everyone around the world comes to grips with the COVID-19 coronavirus, we at iMist are also coming to grips with how we need to deal with this as much as possible. We are constantly watching the news channels and following Government guidance, and we will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

We have already brought in measures upon the initial outbreak of this virus, to keep hygiene levels at the best possible levels, with staff across the company having varying responsibilities. We intend to stay open as a company and will be following government guidance and monitoring staff levels to ensure this can happen.

We work in some of the most vulnerable people’s homes and care homes across the country and will be doing all we can to support them through this time.

Not only with the above in mind, but also our employees well beings. We would like to ask all our customers, that if you are self-isolating or have been self-isolating you make us aware before arrival to your home. Our installation staff, will be asking this question upon arrival as well as our booking staff when booking a project.

We would like to ask all of our suppliers, that if you also having staff members who are self-isolating you make us aware for us to risk assess the situation.

We have set up: [email protected]

If you have any questions in relation to the coronavirus and iMist then please feel free to email us

This is an ever-changing period of time that we are monitoring closely, and we will do all we can as a company to protect our employees, customers and suppliers

We are asking all of you to work with us to ensure this has as minimal effect on the running of the company as possible and to ensure we can continue to give the best available service

Kind Regards

Alex Pollard

Operations Director


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